Produkt zum Begriff Introduction-To-The-Study:
Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, An
Despite growing interest, basic information on methods and models for mathematically analyzing algorithms has rarely been directly accessible to practitioners, researchers, or students. An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms, Second Edition, organizes and presents that knowledge, fully introducing primary techniques and results in the field. Robert Sedgewick and the late Philippe Flajolet have drawn from both classical mathematics and computer science, integrating discrete mathematics, elementary real analysis, combinatorics, algorithms, and data structures. They emphasize the mathematics needed to support scientific studies that can serve as the basis for predicting algorithm performance and for comparing different algorithms on the basis of performance. Techniques covered in the first half of the book include recurrences, generating functions, asymptotics, and analytic combinatorics. Structures studied in the second half of the book include permutations, trees, strings, tries, and mappings. Numerous examples are included throughout to illustrate applications to the analysis of algorithms that are playing a critical role in the evolution of our modern computational infrastructure. Improvements and additions in this new edition include Upgraded figures and code An all-new chapter introducing analytic combinatorics Simplified derivations via analytic combinatorics throughout The book’s thorough, self-contained coverage will help readers appreciate the field’s challenges, prepare them for advanced results—covered in their monograph Analytic Combinatorics and in Donald Knuth’s The Art of Computer Programming books—and provide the background they need to keep abreast of new research. "[Sedgewick and Flajolet] are not only worldwide leaders of the field, they also are masters of exposition. I am sure that every serious computer scientist will find this book rewarding in many ways." —From the Foreword by Donald E. Knuth
Preis: 48.14 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to Banking
Gain a thorough insight into the business of banking Introduction to Banking, 3rd edition, by Casu, Girardone and Molyneux offers an in-depth overview of the theoretical and applied issues in the global banking industry. Organised into five sections, it covers contemporary topics in banking, ranging from central banking and bank regulation, to bank management and corporate governance, providing the most up-to-date information on banking practice. The new edition discusses the developments contributing to the rapid transformation of the banking sector, such as digitalisation of banking and emergence of non-bank providers, the growing importance of sustainable banking, the FinTech boom, the impact of Covid-19 on banking services, structural and regulatory changes in the banking industry, and the growth of Islamic banking. Suitable for all undergraduate students taking a course in banking as well as professionals entering this industry, this text also provides background reading for postgraduate students on more advanced topics in banking. I truly welcome this thoroughly revised edition of the Introduction to Banking textbook. Its authors are world-class scholars who on a daily basis research a wide array of highly relevant banking topics and maintain many close contacts with the commercial and central banking community. I can see no better guides to lead undergraduates into the fascinating (and at times bewildering) banking landscape. Steven Ongena, Professor of Banking, University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute and CEPR About the authors: Barbara Casu is the Director of the Centre for Banking Research at Bayes Business School, City, University of London where she is Professor of Banking and Finance. Claudia Girardone is Professor of Banking and Finance, Director of Essex Finance Centre (EFiC) and the Essex Business School's Director of Research. Philip Molyneux is Emeritus Professor at Bangor University. Pearson, the world'slearningcompany
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to Geography and the Environment, An
An unrivalled, comprehensive introduction to the natural processes in our world. Introduction to Physical Geography and the Environment, 4th edition, by Joseph Holden, is a highly respected and comprehensive text that introduces you to the major topics of physical geography. The book is well illustrated to demonstrate the workings of the physical environment and help you grasp core principles. Its focus on the inter-linkages between processes, places, and environments provides you with a deep understanding of natural, physical processes in our world. Now in its 4th edition, the text has been thoroughly updated to contain all the latest research which the authors have compiled, providing an unrivalled source of rich information from around the world. This edition is also supported by a range of digital learning resources including extended and annotated further reading lists for each chapter, multiple-choice questions, fieldwork exercises, and interactive models to enhance your learning experience. Containing the latest available information with a host of resources to aid your learning, this text is excellent for both undergraduate and postgraduate study in the field of physical geography. This title also has a Companion Website.
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Based on a new classification of algorithm design techniques and a clear delineation of analysis methods, Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms presents the subject in a coherent and innovative manner. Written in a student-friendly style, the book emphasises the understanding of ideas over excessively formal treatment while thoroughly covering the material required in an introductory algorithms course. Popular puzzles are used to motivate students' interest and strengthen their skills in algorithmic problem solving. Other learning-enhancement features include chapter summaries, hints to the exercises, and a detailed solution manual. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie lautet der deutsche Ausdruck für "to go down to the basement laughing"?
Der deutsche Ausdruck für "to go down to the basement laughing" lautet "lachend in den Keller gehen". Dieser Ausdruck wird verwendet, um zu beschreiben, dass jemand fröhlich oder lachend in den Keller geht. Es kann auch bedeuten, dass jemand sich über etwas amüsiert und dabei in den Keller geht.
Über was handelt das Lied Closer to the Edge von 30 Seconds to Mars?
Das Lied "Closer to the Edge" von 30 Seconds to Mars handelt von der Idee, das Leben in vollen Zügen zu genießen und keine Angst davor zu haben, Risiken einzugehen. Es ermutigt dazu, sich seinen Ängsten zu stellen und mutig seinen eigenen Weg zu gehen, auch wenn dieser unkonventionell ist. Der Song drückt die Botschaft aus, dass man nur dann wirklich lebt, wenn man seine Komfortzone verlässt und sich neuen Herausforderungen stellt.
Wo kann ich The Case Study of Vanitas anschauen?
Du kannst "The Case Study of Vanitas" auf verschiedenen Streaming-Plattformen wie Crunchyroll, Wakanim oder Anime on Demand anschauen. Alternativ kannst du die Serie auch auf DVD oder Blu-ray erwerben. Es gibt verschiedene legale Möglichkeiten, die Serie zu streamen oder zu kaufen, je nach deinen persönlichen Vorlieben und Verfügbarkeit in deiner Region.
Minish Cap oder A Link to the Past?
Das ist eine schwierige Entscheidung, da beide Spiele großartig sind. "A Link to the Past" ist ein Klassiker und hat eine epische Geschichte sowie eine riesige Welt zum Erkunden. "Minish Cap" hingegen bietet eine einzigartige Mechanik mit dem Schrumpfen und ist sehr charmant gestaltet. Letztendlich hängt es davon ab, ob man lieber die klassische Zelda-Erfahrung oder etwas Neues und Innovatives erleben möchte. Beide Spiele sind definitiv einen Blick wert!
Ähnliche Suchbegriffe für Introduction-To-The-Study:
Introduction to Economics, An
The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps. Upon purchase, you'll gain instant access to this eBook. Time limit The eBooks products do not have an expiry date. You will continue to access your digital ebook products whilst you have your Bookshelf installed. Brilliant Economics is your easy-to-understand introduction to the world of economic theory and policy. From the key ideas of the main economic thinkers to the difference between macroeconomics and microeconomics, Phil Thornton demystifies the sometimes complex world of economics and guides you through the key economic concepts that fill our TV screens and front pages every day.
Preis: 12.83 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to Public Relations
Engage with real life issues in public relationsIntroduction to Public Relations by Sue Wolstenholme provides you with an overview of PR from a critical, global perspective. The book encourages you to question as you learn, throwing out controversial ideas and different ways to approach problems. This approach teaches you to evaluate options and see that some approaches can have harmful impacts on society.With real-life case studies and spotlights on key issues, the text engages you with examples and testimonies from PR professionals, providing you with material from the best academic sources. Fostering creativity and developing your critical thinking skills, the text aims to prepare undergraduates to study and practice in order to achieve higher levels of originality.This book is ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students taking modules in Public Relations as well as those studying at Foundation, Advanced Certificate and Diploma levels with the CIPR.
Preis: 53.49 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to Health Psychology
If you are a student of medicine, nursing, health, and social care, then this revised edition is an invaluable learning resource for you. Introduction to Health Psychology, 5th edition, is a must-read, widely praised textbook that provides the learning resources you need from theory and research to real-world examples, helping you develop a better understanding and critical thinking on the issues explored. This revision provides a comprehensive guide on essential topics surrounding health, retaining its popular original structure of three multi-chaptered sections: 'Being and Staying Healthy', 'Becoming Ill', and 'Being Ill'. It also includes the useful final section, 'From Theory to Practice', which studies the need for theory-driven practice applications, making the most of the evidence available to support their study. The edition offers you an insightful overview of a range of topics on health behaviour, from health-risk to health-protective habits, before exploring applications and healthcare intervention practices. It also discusses biological and psychobiological models and theories and the impact of stress on health, illness, and its progression, with extensive references to healthy diet and exercise. The text also considers the role of key epidemiological updates and global health issues, cultural influences on health and health behaviour, and issues about health differentials, as seen in the illness experience. Each chapter opens with a current real-world example and places the topic into context by introducing the outline and learning outcomes. Along with the increased use of case studies, its useful Glossary and a list of Further Readings, the content will offer food for individual reflection and group discussion, helping you fully engage with this applied area of psychologyan approach praised by lecturers and students alike!
Preis: 47.07 € | Versand*: 0 € -
Introduction to Agile Methods
A Thorough Introduction to the Agile Framework and Methodologies That Are Used Worldwide Organizations of all shapes and sizes are embracing Agile methodologies as a way to transform their products, customer satisfaction, and employee engagement. Many people with varying levels of work experience are interested in understanding the architecture and nuances of Agile, but it is difficult to know where to start. Numerous practitioner books are available, but there has never been a single source for unbiased information about Agile methodologies–until now. Introduction to Agile Methods is the place to start for students and professionals who want to understand Agile and become conversant with Agile values, principles, framework, and processes. Authors Sondra Ashmore and Kristin Runyan use academic research and their own experiences with numerous Agile implementations to present a clear description of the essential concepts. They address all key roles and the entire development life cycle, including common roadblocks that must be overcome to be successful. Through the authors’ realistic use cases, practical examples, and thought-provoking interviews with pioneering practitioners, complex concepts are made relatable. No matter what your role or level of experience, this book provides a foundational understanding that can be used to start or enhance any Agile effort. Coverage includes How Agile compares with the Waterfall method and when to use each Why Agile demands a cultural transformation–and how that looks to each participant Comparing various Agile methodologies, including Scrum, Kanban, Extreme Programming (XP), Crystal, Feature Driven Development (FDD), Lean, and DSDM Understanding the roles within Agile and how they work together to create superior results Agile approaches to requirements gathering, planning, estimating, tracking, reporting, testing, quality, and integration Extending Agile beyond IT
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 €
Wie kann ich Born to the Night finden?
Um "Born to the Night" zu finden, kannst du online nach dem Titel suchen und schauen, ob es auf Streaming-Plattformen wie Spotify oder Apple Music verfügbar ist. Alternativ könntest du auch in Musikgeschäften nachfragen oder die Band direkt kontaktieren, um herauszufinden, wo du ihre Musik kaufen oder streamen kannst. Es ist auch möglich, dass die Band Konzerte gibt, bei denen sie ihre Musik live spielen - in diesem Fall könntest du sie dort hören.
In welchem Jahr spielt Back to the Future?
In welchem Jahr spielt Back to the Future?" ist eine Frage, die sich auf den Zeitpunkt bezieht, in dem die Handlung des Films stattfindet. "Back to the Future" ist ein Science-Fiction-Film aus dem Jahr 1985, der von Robert Zemeckis inszeniert wurde. Die Handlung des Films dreht sich um den Teenager Marty McFly, der mit Hilfe eines DeLorean-Zeitmaschinen-Autos in das Jahr 1955 zurückreist. Dort trifft er auf seine Eltern in ihrer Jugend und muss sicherstellen, dass sie sich verlieben, um seine eigene Existenz zu sichern. Der Film spielt also in den Jahren 1985 und 1955.
Wie schreibt man einen Letter to the Editor?
Ein Letter to the Editor ist ein kurzer Brief, der an eine Zeitung oder Zeitschrift geschickt wird, um eine Meinung zu einem bestimmten Thema zu äußern. Um einen solchen Brief zu schreiben, sollte man klar und prägnant seine Meinung darlegen, Fakten oder Beispiele zur Unterstützung verwenden und den Brief höflich und respektvoll formulieren. Es ist auch wichtig, den Brief kurz zu halten und sich auf das Thema zu konzentrieren, das in der Zeitung oder Zeitschrift behandelt wurde.
Wie funktioniert Speech to Text?
Speech to Text funktioniert, indem gesprochene Wörter mithilfe von Spracherkennungssoftware in Text umgewandelt werden. Dabei werden die Audiosignale des gesprochenen Textes analysiert und in Text umgewandelt. Die Software erkennt dabei Sprachmuster, Wörter und Sätze, um sie korrekt zu transkribieren. Dieser Prozess basiert auf komplexen Algorithmen und künstlicher Intelligenz, die kontinuierlich verbessert werden, um die Genauigkeit der Umwandlung zu erhöhen. Das Ergebnis ist ein geschriebener Text, der die gesprochene Sprache möglichst genau wiedergibt.
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